• What is virtual distrcuctor.
  • Are there any default concstructors in c++? what are they?
  • What is the difference between copy constructor and Overkloading =, why language is provided two of these..
  • What are inline functions
  • What is the difference between #define and inline + their advantages and disadvantages
  • What is the difference between inline and normal function. will the compiler take inline functions always inline ,if not on which basis it will decide to ignore inline.
  • Virtual Functions in C++
  • Friend Functions in C++
  • The sequence in which constructors of classes A, B and C are called when class A is inherited from class B which is inherited from class C.
  • differences between typedef and #define
  • differences between a reference and a pointer in C++.
  • how do you dynamically allocate a two dimensional array of size a by b.
  • Differences between Java and C++.
  • OO Concepts in C++