Questions on Database - I
Posted by Subash | 5:22 PM
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- What is normalization? Explain different levels of normalization?
- What is denormalization and when would you go for it?
- How do you implement one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many relationships while designing tables?
- What's the difference between a primary key and a unique key?
- What are user defined datatypes and when you should go for them?
- What is bit datatype and what's the information that can be stored inside a bit column?
- Define candidate key, alternate key, composite key.
- What are defaults? Is there a column to which a default can't be bound?
- What are the different types of joins?
- Explain normalization with examples.
- What cursor type do you use to retrieve multiple recordsets?
- Diffrence between a "where" clause and a "having" clause
- What is the difference between "procedure" and "function"?
- How will you copy the structure of a table without copying the data?
- How to find out the database name from SQL*PLUS command prompt?
- Tadeoffs with having indexes
- Talk about "Exception Handling" in PL/SQL?
- What is the diference between "NULL in C" and "NULL in Oracle?"
- What is Pro*C? What is OCI?
- Give some examples of Analytical functions.
- What is the difference between "translate" and "replace"?
- What is DYNAMIC SQL method 4?
- How to remove duplicate records from a table?
- What is the use of ANALYZing the tables?
- How to run SQL script from a Unix Shell?
- What is a "transaction"? Why are they necessary?
- Explain Normalizationa dn Denormalization with examples.
- When do you get contraint violtaion? What are the types of constraints?
- How to convert RAW datatype into TEXT?
- Difference - Primary Key and Aggregate Key
- How functional dependency is related to database table design?
- What is a "trigger"?
- Why can a "group by" or "order by" clause be expensive to process?
- What are "HINTS"? What is "index covering" of a query?
- What is a VIEW? How to get script for a view?
- What are the Large object types suported by Oracle?
- What is SQL*Loader?
- Difference between "VARCHAR" and "VARCHAR2" datatypes.
- What is the difference among "dropping a table", "truncating a table" and "deleting all records" from a table.
- Difference between "ORACLE" and "MICROSOFT ACCESS" databases.
- How to create a database link ?
- What is RAID and what are different types of RAID configurations?
- What are the steps you will take to improve performance of a poor performing query?
- What is a deadlock and what is a live lock? How will you go about resolving deadlocks?
- What are the steps you will take, if you are tasked with securing an SQL Server?
- What is blocking and how would you troubleshoot it?
- Explain CREATE DATABASE syntax
- How to restart SQL Server in single user mode? How to start SQL Server in minimal configuration mode?
- As a part of your job, what are the DBCC commands that you commonly use for database maintenance?
- What are statistics, under what circumstances they go out of date, how do you update them?
- What are the different ways of moving data/databases between servers and databases in SQL Server?
- Explian different types of BACKUPs avaialabe in SQL Server? Given a particular scenario, how would you go about choosing a backup plan?
- What is database replicaion? What are the different types of replication you can set up in SQL Server?
- What are cursors? Explain different types of cursors. What are the disadvantages of cursors? How can you avoid cursors?
- Write down the general syntax for a SELECT statements covering all the options.
- What is a join and explain different types of joins.
- Can you have a nested transaction?
- What is an extended stored procedure? Can you instantiate a COM object by using T-SQL?
- What is the system function to get the current user's user id?
- What are triggers? How many triggers you can have on a table? How to invoke a trigger on demand?
- What is a self join? Explain it with an example.]
- Given an employee table, how would you find out the second highest salary?
3:57 AM
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