1. For Realising EX-OR gate how many NAND gates are required
  2. The time required for the data to setting, before the triggering edge of the clock.
    Ans. Setup Time.
  3. How can we change DFF to TFF
  4. How can we change SRFF to JKFF
  5. Minimum Number of 2:1 MUX required for 16:1 MUX
  6. A 12 address lines maps to the memory of
    > [a] 1k bytes [b] 0.5k bytes [c] 2k bytes [d] none
    > Ans: b
  7. In a processor these are 120 instructions . Bits
    needed to impliment
    > this instructions
    > [a] 6 [b] 7 [c] 10 [d] none
    > Ans: b
  8. n=7623
    > {
    > temp=n/10;
    > result=temp*10+ result;
    > n=n/10
    > }
    > Ans : 3267
  9. C program code
    > int zap(int n)
    > {
    > if(n<=1)then zap=1;
    > else zap=zap(n-3)+zap(n-1);
    > }
    > then the call zap(6) gives the values of zap
    > [a] 8 [b] 9 [c] 6 [d] 12 [e] 15
    > Ans: b
  10. Virtual memory size depends on
    > [a] address lines [b] data bus
    > [c] disc space [d] a & c [e] none
    > Ans : a
  11. load a
    > mul a
    > store t1
    > load b
    > mul b
    > store t2
    > mul t2
    > add t1
    > then the content in accumulator is
    > Ans : a**2+b**4
  12. E=I*I*R what is the effect of E when I becomes I/2
    ans:1/4E(E decreses by 4 times)
  13. out of 55 eggs 5 are defective. what is % of defective eggs
  14. A>B,B>C,C=D,D>E,then which is greatest
    a)A/B b) A/C c) A/E d)none
    ans: c
  15. section 2. letter series
    1. a c b d f e g i __ ans: h
    2. x y z u v w r s t __ ans: o
    3. a c f j o __ ans:u
  16. section 3. numerical ability
    1. 10099+99=10198
    2. 31 - 29+2/33=__ ans:64/33
    3. 2.904+0.0006=___ ans: 2.9046
    4. 55/1000=___ ans:.005
    5. 0.799*0.254= 0.202946
    6. 200/7*5.04=144
    7. 842.8 +602=1444.8
    8. 5.72% of 418= 23.9096
    9. 625% of 7.71=48.1875
    10. 25% of 592=148.00
    11. 665+22.9=687.9
    12. 15% of 86.04=12.906
  17. what is the direction of motion of an electron kept in an electromagnetic field.
  18. in a transistor, the saturation current can be controlled by changing
    a)anode potential
    b)grid potential
    c)cathod potential
    d)non of the above
  19. probability for speaking truth for A ->75% for B ->80%
    what is the probability that both of them will tell lie for a given fact
  20. what will be order of SURITI in the dictionary if the letters of the word is arranged in
    lexicographical order
  21. two persons are select any number from 1 to 25. they win if
    they select the same one.whatis the probability that they will win .
  22. f(x)=(1-cos(x)(1-cos(x)))/(x*x*x)
    What is the value of f(x) at x=0, so that it is continious
  23. Same atomic no. & atomic mass
    (a) isotone
    (b) isomer
    (c) isobar
    (d) isomar.